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Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing to inform you that we will soon be offering COVID-19 vaccinations in your child’s school.
The main purpose of the COVID-19 school age vaccination programme is to provide protection to the children who are vaccinated and it may also help to reduce transmission of COVID-19 in our wider population.
As the COVID-19 vaccine will be administered in school, we need a parent/guardian/adult with parental responsibility to complete the online consent form. If you have already consented for your child to receive their nasal flu vaccination this may be given safely at the same time as their covid vaccination.
If you do not want your child to receive this vaccination, please complete the online consent indicating that you do not give your consent for the vaccination. This information helps us to plan and deliver the vaccination sessions.
Important next steps:
Please take time to read the Public Health England COVID-19 information available at
- COVID-19 vaccination – A guide for children and young people (
- Complete consent form.
If your child's online consent is not completed and they approach the school-aged immunisation team expressing a wish to be vaccinated, we will endeavour to contact you to discuss your wishes and also assess your child’s ability to give their own consent.
If after completing your online consent form you subsequently change your mind, please contact the school-aged Immunisation team to enable us to amend your details.
Details about your child’s vaccination will also be included on their health record and shared with their GP.
Further information for parents about the COVID-19 vaccination programme for 12 to 15 year olds can also be found at
If you have any questions, please contact your local School-aged Immunisation team using the details below.